The Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Remake
This is by far the best Flash-based game I've played all year, and one of the best I've played in my entire life. The graphics, sound, music, and everything that was from the original game was just amazing. The cast was excellent (aside from a couple bits which I will point out..) and the system was simple, yet functionable. The fact that there is so many new characters really brought me back to the game each day until I felt jazzed enough to write a review.
Interactivity : 8 / 10 - The activity of the controls was great, but it could have been a little better.
Compression : ? / 10 - Hell, this thing is just under 9 megabytes, I have no idea how compressed it is!
Graphics : 8 / 10 - Excellent job finding all these sprites, and in addition, the interface is clean and smooth.
Violence : 7 / 10 - Yaaay random violence for no appearant reason.
Quality : 9 / 10 - The quality of everything was very clean and sharp, I could tell alot of effort was put into making everything look and sound great.
Interest: 10 / 10 - This game's timing could NOT have been better. This game will satasfy all my SSB needs until the new one for the revolution comes out!
Humor : 7 / 10 - Not much to say as far as humor goes, just a few things made me laugh a little.
Style : 2 / 10 - The style would have maybe even got 11, which is a rare score I only give to the best of flashes. But then you added Naruto and Inuyasha. Anime, for one, ruins the spirit of Super Smash. But... you... you added... of all characters... INUYASHA??? Couldn't you add ANYONE else? =|
Sound : 10 / 10 - Great sound quality! Good job by only using original music too!
Story : n\a / 10 - ...
*Addictiveness : 7 / 10 - Wasn't as addictive as I imagined.
Total Score : 95.30% / 100%
Grade : S-
Final Word : Inuyasha + Super Smash = FAIL. DOUBLE FAIL, EVEN.
* = Critiques that aren't normaly on each review.